Volume 23 – March 20, 2005

IPB Volume 23 cover
  1. De Wanhoop – Laïs [1:51]
  2. Bakhta – Khaled [5:11]
  3. Alphabet Soup – Laika [4:08]
  4. Arrogance or Elegance – Brideshead [3:01]
  5. Trippin’ Under a Changin’ Sphere – Gaji [4:34]
  6. Silver Legacy – Sushi [4:24]
  7. La Balada De La Primavera – Le Mans [2:37]
  8. Oh Sailor – Fiona Apple [6:37]
  9. Enfant Terrible – Sawada Jyoji [2:35]
  10. I Changed My Mind (Stereo MC’s Rattlesnake Remix) – Lyrics Born [4:31]
  11. 19-2000 (Soulchild Remix) – Gorillaz [3:32]
  12. Mutant Genius (New Genius) – Space Monkeyz vs. Gorillaz

Liner Notes:

I have absolutely no recollection of this playlist. I remember the day itself (it was not a good day), but no recollection at all of the music. Laïs is a really fantastic Flemish vocal trio. Several of their songs would be re-recorded later with more complex instrumentation, but those versions are actually less interesting. Khaled and Laika had both appeared on the show before. The Fiona Apple track on here is actually from the bootleg Jon Brion version of Extraordinary Machine, which was much better than the version of the album that would eventually be released (other than the different spelling of the track’s title, it’s also around two minutes longer, more focused on Apple’s vocal performance, without the weird computerized treatment that closes out the official version). Brideshead are a German indie-pop band and Sushi I have no recollection of; I got them both from an international pop compilation album. I’m pretty sure I picked up Gaji from that same collection of Japanese indie music I’d mined several times before. Le Mans is the only Basque act (that I know of) that I played on the show. I’m a big fan of hip-hop from the San Francisco Bay area, which is why Lyrics Born is on here (although, as with a few of the tracks I played, I only just now realized there’s swearing in the song). Gorillaz are rounding out a set list that in retrospect was all about transitioning from vocal-based folk to electronic instrumentation. It’s weird, but it holds up.

The photo for this cover is another shot of my stepfather’s workbench in the garage in Dryden. This photo was also taken for use in my collage clock face art project.